Online Training
There is a LOT of training that is available online. See the information below to learn about the Online Training System.
BSA Training Login - uses your My.Scouting login & password
1. Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection Training must be completed every two years. It expires two years after the date that you completed the course last.
There will be no record of you ending the course at until you have completed all three modules and proof of certification.
It may take up to 48 hours to syncronize the course completetion to your BSA record.
To print the certificate of completion, go to, select "Menu" and then "MyDasboard". Select the printer icon in the "YPT Status" area to print the Certificate of Youth Protection Training.
2. Program Specific Training
Next you will want to complete the training for our program. First select "Scouts BSA" from the Program Specific Training choices.
Be sure to complete all of the modules in each program to finish the training.
Then pick your position
Merit Badge Counselor
Scoutmaster (and Assistant Scoutmaster)
Troop Committee
Hazardous Weather Training (required for all direct contact leaders who will be camping)
3. Position Specific Training
You may want to complete the training for other positions. Select "Position Specific Training" from the original menu.
Be sure to complete all of the modules in each program to finish the training.
Then pick your position
New Member Coordinators
Charter Organization Representatives
4. Expanded Training
You may want to complete the training for other positions. Select "Position Specific Training" from the original menu.
Be sure to complete all of the modules in each program to finish the training.
Then pick your course
Program Safety (Hazardous Weather)
Succession Planning
Journey to Excellence