Camp Cards
How Camp Cards work for Scouts
Earning money just doesn’t get any better or easier than the Circle Ten Council CAMP CARD sale. Talk about a WIN-WIN-WIN for everyone.
For example, the 2017 Camp Card, sold for the very low price of ONLY $10, offered customers:
- A $10 tear-away coupon with our partner, Tom Thumb and Albertsons grocery stores (good through end of August)
- A $10 tear-away coupon with our partner, Dick’s Sporting Goods (good through end of August)
- 16 other cash discounts, special pricing, or “buy one, get one” offers at area merchants and attractions good through December 31st.
Best yet, this is a totally no-risk situation for units. Cards are provided to units on consignment, and units can return unsold cards. Full unit commission is 50%, or $5/card.
Units can sell these cards three ways: a) sign-up for selling shifts in front of sponsoring stores, b) sell door-to-door, or c) sell the cards to families within your unit. Consumers actually MAKE MONEY by purchasing one of these cards, and many customers buy more than one card as the discounts are so appealing.
The money raised by the scout selling camp cards helps him pay for activities like summer camp!
Camp Card kick-off for the NEXT sale is in early February.
These benefit all of us!
When your unit participates in either of the Circle Ten Council money earning projects, you are NOT ONLY RAISING money for your unit, but you are HELPING THE COUNCIL provide the services your unit needs and enjoys on a regular basis.
Popcorn and Camp Card sales, combined, contributed $1.9 million, net of expenses, to our council in 2016, representing 14% of our total sources of income. We need your help to continue to provide services and benefits such as:
- Circle Ten Council Scouts use our four camps, year-round, free of charge
- Rank advancements are free to all Circle Ten Council Scouts
- Continuous improvements and on-going maintenance to provide high-quality camps with a large variety of programs, high-adventure elements, and up-todate facilities
- The ScoutReach program, which brings Scouting to over 12,800 youth who would not otherwise be able to afford the Scouting experience
- Liability insurance for adult volunteers and secondary insurance for Scout families
In 2016, over 208,500 cards were sold council-wide, netting over $521,000 back to approximately 600 units. Do the math, that’s an average of about $900/unit.